Sponsor a Student
With a donation of $200, you can cover the cost of one student to purchase the supplies needed to prepare for their GED exam and help put them on a better path at Breaking Chains Academy of Development, Inc. With a donation of just $1000, you can help cover all exam costs for students for an entire month. As a small non profit, we are funded by grants and donations and any amount big or small helps support our mission.
Items Needed
Books, school supplies, food, hygiene items. . . we try to support our students as much as possible. Sometimes that means a meal. Other times, it means a change of clothes. Please contact us for our current needs as they change regularly.
Want to tutor? Want to share your career or business with our students? Or just want to provide a fun experience to reward our youth for all their hard work? Not sure, but you want to do something. Contact us and we'd be happy to help.
Last, but not leastGive. . .annually, monthly, weekly, or one time. It all makes a big difference!
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